Regional Committee Member

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RCM Info:

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Contact: Cathie L.


New England Region Service Committee

New England Service Committee (NERSC) meetings take place on the second full weekend of the even months.

Regional Committee Member

Regional Committee Member (RCMs) keep their areas in touch with the larger world of NA by providing information on activities in neighboring areas, functions being sponsored by the regional committee, reports relevant to subcommittee affairs, and important issues being discussed at various levels of service.

We encourage our trusted servants to remain open to new ideas, to become knowledgeable about all aspects of service in NA, and to continue to seek personal recovery.

What is the Regional Service Committee?

Regional service committees (RSCs) exist to pool the experience and resources of the areas and groups it serves. The RSC is composed of regional committee members (RCMs) elected by the region’s member-areas; these RCMs usually elect regional committee officers from among themselves. RSCs organize regional assemblies at which RCMs discuss a wide range of service matters, including those likely to come before the World Service Conference, and may elect a regional delegate and alternate delegate to the WSC.

New England Regional Convention

Our next regional convention will be in 2025.

Additional Regional Information

Additional Resources