Resources for Professionals

Narcotics Anonymous is a nonprofit, international, community-based organization for recovering addicts, which is active in over 144 countries. Narcotics Anonymous (NA) members learn from one another how to live drug-free and recover from the effects of addiction in their lives.

If you have considered recommending Narcotics Anonymous to someone who has a drug problem, you may have a few questions about our organization. This page is designed to help answer those questions.

Public Relations Business Card, PO Box 422, Chicopee MA 01021, 866-621-3578, NERNA.Org,
NA:  A Resource in Your Community

This pamphlet provides information about local NA services that may be available such as public service announcements, phonelines, literature sales, and NA presentations for health fairs, schools and professional conferences.

Membership Survey

 Contains the results of a biennial survey of approximately 28,495 NA member. This includes demographic information.

Information about NA

 Includes facts about the history of NA, organizational philosophy, and membership demographics.


An Introduction to NA Meetings

 Offers a welcoming introduction, and explains practices unfamiliar to those at their first meetings, and provides tips for groups to preserve an atmosphere of recovery.

Narcotics Anonymous & Persons Receiving Medication-Assisted Treatment | Spanish

 This pamphlet is intended for professionals who prescribe medication to treat drug addiction. The service pamphlet NA Groups and Medication listed in the pamphlet contains a broader discussion of NA members and other medications.

For Those in Treatment

 In this pamphlet, we offer some suggestions and a basic plan of action to help recovering addicts in the transition from treatment, to continuing recovery in Narcotics Anonymous.

Contact Us!

Professionals that would like more information or would like to begin a relationship of cooperation between themselves and NA in more detail Provide email with contact information, and you will be contacted by our Public Relations committee, a group of local members whose purpose is to maintain such relationships.

Services We Provide

Presentations about what NA is to the professional community
Literature Racks & Flyers

Information Tables at Public Community Events

Info-Line/Help-Line & Meeting Lists

Image -One addict helping another towards from from active addiction

Information for Addiction & Recovery Professionals

Hospitals and Institutions subcommittees of Narcotics Anonymous provides commitments/presentations about the Narcotics Anonymous recovery to addicts who do not have full access to regular NA meetings. We may also provide directories of local Narcotics Anonymous meetings and, in special circumstances, NA literature. We believe that our message, which is based on recovery from the disease of addiction rather than any particular drug or drugs, is unique.

If you are interested in having Hospitals and Institutions services at your facility please email or fill out the commitment request form below.  We can and will do our best to go into any facility or institution where struggling individuals are unable to access the community.

You can also print or order literature for your facility by clicking here.

Commitment Request Form